With the development of diabetic macroangiopathy, low and very low density lipoproteins, as well as cholesterol, increase in the blood, but at the same time high lipoproteins decrease.density. An increase in the concentration of low-density lipoproteins above 2.9 mmol / liter indicates a high risk of empagliflozin macroangiopathy. At the same time, a decrease in the concentration of high-density lipoproteins below 1 mmol/liter is regarded as a factor in the development of atherosclerosis in the vessels.
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Cholesterol levels vary from person to buy empagliflozin online. Ambiguous opinion on this subject and among experts. Some recommend not to exceed cholesterol levels above 7.5 mmol per liter. The generally accepted norm today is no more than 5.5 mmol per liter. An increase in cholesterol above 6 mmol is regarded as a risk of developing macroangiopathy. Direct ophthalmoscopy The method consists in examining the anterior structures of the eye using special instruments such as a slit lamp and an ophthalmoscope. Finding abnormal vessels on the iris (rubeosis) indicates the development of a severe form of diabetic retinopathy.
Gonioscopy The gonioscopy method is based on the use of a special Goldmann lens with mirrors, which allows you to examine the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye.
- This method is a helper. It is used only when rubeosis of the iris and increased intraocular pressure are detected.
- Rubeosis of the iris is one of the complications of diabetic retinopathy, in which new vessels appear on the surface of the iris.
- New vessels are very thin and fragile, are located chaotically and often provoke hemorrhages, and also cause the development of glaucoma.
- OCT OCT is a fairly informative method in diagnosing diabetic maculopathy. With the help of coherence tomography, it is possible to determine the exact localization of edema, its shape and extent.
- Stereoscopic photography of the retina using a special apparatus (fundus camera) allows one to order generic jardiance pills the evolution of the disease in detail.
- Comparison of more recent photographs of the patient's retina with his previous images may reveal the appearance of new pathological vessels and edema, or their regression.
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Fundus examination Fundus examination is the main point in the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy. It is carried out using an ophthalmoscope and a slit lamp and special lenses with high magnification. The examination is carried out after medical dilation of the pupil with atropine or tropicamide. The center of the retina, the optic disc, the macular area and the periphery of the retina are sequentially examined. Based on retinal changes, diabetic retinopathy is divided into several stages.
The ophthalmological picture at the most severe (third) stage is supplemented by the appearance of jardiance on the optic disc and other areas of the retina. These vessels are very thin and often rupture, causing constant hemorrhage. Massive vitreous hemorrhage can lead to a sharp deterioration in vision and difficulty in examining the fundus. In such cases, an ultrasound examination of the eye is used to determine the integrity of the retina.